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Troubleshooting Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) Sources

Connector Limitations

Adding columns to existing tables with CDC

When working with source SQL Server (MSSQL) in CDC mode, Making alteration to a table such as ALTER TABLE <table> ADD <column> will not automatically be reflected in the CDC stream. The easiest way of making CDC match the new structure of a table. You can disable and re-enable CDC on the table. This will create a new capture instance for the table with the new structure:

  1. Disabling CDC on the table:
EXEC sys.sp_cdc_disable_table
@source_schema = N'<schema>',
@source_name = N'<table>',
@capture_instance = N'<capture instance (typically schema_table)>'
  1. Enabling CDC on the table:
EXEC sys.sp_cdc_enable_table
@source_schema = N'<schema>',
@source_name = N'<table>',
@role_name = NULL

Note: You may want to set a @role_name or any other arguments similarly to how they were set when CDC was enabled in the first place.

You can validate which columns are being captured by running the following query:

EXEC sys.sp_cdc_get_captured_columns 
@capture_instance = N'<capture instance (typically schema_table)>';
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