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Environment setup

Let's first start by cloning the repository, optionally forking it first

git clone
cd airbyte

Use the Airbyte provided code generator which bootstraps the scaffolding for our connector:

cd airbyte-integrations/connector-templates/generator

Select Python CDK Source Set name to survey-monkey-demo

Next change your working directory to the new connector module. Also change airbyte-cdk version to the one used for this tutorial in pyproject.toml:

cd ../../connectors/source-survey-monkey-demo

Then create an initial python environment and install the dependencies required to run an API Source connector:

poetry lock
poetry install --with dev

Let's verify the unit tests pass

poetry run pytest unit_tests

And the check operation fails as expected

poetry run source-survey-monkey-demo check --config secrets/config.json

It should return a failed connection status

"connectionStatus": {
"status": "FAILED",
"message": "Config validation error: 'TODO' is a required property"

The discover operation should also fail as expected

poetry run source-survey-monkey-demo discover --config secrets/config.json

It should fail because TODO' is a required property

The read operation should also fail as expected

poetry run source-survey-monkey-demo read --config secrets/config.json --catalog integration_tests/configured_catalog.json

It should fail because TODO' is a required property

We're ready to start development. In the next section, we'll read a page of records from the surveys endpoint.